Thursday, January 19, 2023

Growing Development Efficiency

Over the last years we have seen Developer Productivity Engineering (DPE) focus on speed in the code-build-test cycle. Software Development Efficiency and DORA-/DevOps-metrics broadens the perspective a bit and adds focus on deployment frequency, lead time and quality/bug rates. Although these are all measurable, good and important, I argue that these perspectives are far too narrow. To really grow development efficiency in an organisation the whole organisation needs to be included.

To grow development efficiency all aspects of building great things need to be considered. Great developer tools, CI/CD-pipelines, automated testing strategies and good production metrics are really important, but great tools only help you build your thing efficiently. You also need to make sure you build the right thing, achieving the intended impact, and building it right so that it can withstand the test of time. In addition, you have to make sure your development teams and surrounding organisation are at their best. Even the best development and delivery tools can’t help you if you can’t get your prioritisations straight or create a healthy environment to attract, grow and retain talent.

At Pensionsmyndigheten (Swedish Pensions Agency) we are taking a holistic approach to growing development efficiency. While tools are important, they only contribute one piece of the puzzle. Today I introduce the “Development (Organisation) Efficiency” model we are using to define efficiency in a broader way. I also share the simple tools by which we are working to grow our development efficiency by building a shared mental model and a common language.

Please find the material in this dedicated page (or this, for a Swedish version) and don’t hesitate to comment or get in touch to share your thoughts, make suggestions or ask clarifying questions.

You can also find more backgound and reasoning in the short (15 minutes) talk I gave at Jfokus 2023. You can find the recording here.

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